Saturday, July 10, 2021

Edward Mathews of New Jersey Charged with Harassment, 
Bias Intimidation, Assault, Criminal Mischief, Stalking, 
Weapons Offenses, and Growing Psilocybin Mushrooms with
 an Expired Horticulture License

If Trump is claiming credit for developing the COVID-19 
vaccine, why are so many Trumpniks refusing to be

From the Trumpnik perspective, there are three things 
wrong with Critical Race Theory.  First, it's critical.  
Second, it's about race.  Third, it's a theory.

No, Critical Race Theory isn't taught in our schools, 
but Trumpniks think it should be so that they can be 
outraged by it.

Some of the Capitol Hill Insurrectionists get the
coolest Twitter hashtags.

Warm Scuzzies #1,053
Andrew Saul

Friday, July 09, 2021

Warm Scuzzies #1,052
Paul Hodgins

J. D. Vance Publishes Reworked, Pro-Trump Edition
 of Hillbilly Elegy, with the New Title, Insurrectionist Elegy

In Case You've Been Wondering What United
Constitutional Patriots Look Like

Election 2020 Commemorative T-Shirt

Governor Greg Abbott's $55 million War Chest is an
expensive game.

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Leading Authority on Critical Rack Theory Indicates 
It's Not Taught in Michigan Schools

'Could Ransomware Become a Geopolitical Weapon?'

Over-serving alcohol to over-drinkers: just 
what a teetotaler like Trump would do.

We're seeing more and more signs like this
these days.

O Ye of Little Faith

Run for the school board, but don't mention QAnon
and don't wear the funny hat.

If she sees or hears something she doesn't like, Marjorie Taylor
 Greene puts on her cowboy hat and draws an analogy to Nazis.

Has Trump sued you yet?  Be patient.  If you live long 
enough, he'll eventually get around to you.

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Recently-Declassified Photograph #55
Flynn-Lindell Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory

Allen West Sez:  "Here in the state of Texas, we have 
a system of taxation that is really based upon 
Karl Marx's communist planks in the 
Communist Manifesto."

Sean G. Turnbull Sez:  "I believe that conspiracies are
real, and they happen all the time."

FBI Recovers Fully-Constructed Lego Capitol Invasion Set 
from Home of Capitol Hill Insurrectionist

COVID-19 Cases Spike Among the Unvaccinated
 Anti-Vaxxers and OfficeMaxxers

Marjorie Taylor Greene's Preemptive, All-Inclusive Apology

OatKeeper, the Beer That Made January 6 Famous

"Trump told White House Chief of Staff John Kelly in 2018 
that German dictator Adolf Hitler 'did a lot of good things'.”

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Sean Hannity is now claiming the National Anthem, the 
Pledge of Allegiance, reading, writing, and arithmetic 
will soon be replaced by Critical Race Theory.

Hillbilly Lament, J. D. Vance's New Book

World's Worst Yobs #440
Christopher Rufo

"Mom, Weldon is disillusioning me again!"

Dalai Llama Threatens to Invade Vatican City 
on His Birthday

Some Assembly Required

Appetizer and Dessert, All in One:  
How Con-VEEN-ient!

The dawn of the Windows 11 era will see the Earth 
rotating on its axis a little bit easier.

Luckily, July the 4th only happens
once a year.

Monday, July 05, 2021

Still Life with Roseanne Barr as Popeye Squinting at 
Mark Zuckerberg Doing His Silver Surfer Impression

Flying the flag at half-staff is a sign of mourning.

Stylish PBR furniture was only possible before the 
transition from steel to aluminum cans began in 1958.

One can only hope we've finally learned that 
it's unwise to inflate a chicken.

It was the third year of podcasting feuds 
and the information superhighway was
 littered with unsightly debris.

"Sorry, lady, no square dancing allowed."

One would think Texas has enough native nutjobs
that it wouldn't have to import them from Florida.

Mover over, Silver Surfer!  Here comes Mark Zuckerberg, 
the Electric Hydrofoil Silver Surfer!

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Tucker Carlson is a Three Effer:
Foam-Flecked Fulminator.

Because of the problem of subsidence in Florida,
the Marco Rubio National Monument has been
moved to the Bonneville Salt Flats.