Saturday, February 12, 2022

Leigh Dundas, the Insurrection Evangelist

Not since the Milagro Beanfield War of 1988 has 
there been such a Mexican standoff.  Maybe
someone someday will make a movie out of it.

Who knew when Jesus foretold his Second Coming
that he would return to Earth as the CEO of the
 Church of Bitcoin?

Flushing documents used to take Trump 10 or 15 times.

Trump's Covfefe in Hot Pursuit of Greene's Gazpacho Police

Ted Budd Sez:  “Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger played right
 into the Democrats’ trap, and has made it tougher on 
freedom-loving Republicans, than if they had just stayed 
away from Nancy Pelosi’s highly partisan, highly selfish trap.”

In days of yore, people like Trump were called
'security risks'.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Their Day Begins When Your Day Ends

Agitprop at Agincourt

Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #963
Gina Bisignano

Peter Navarro Sez:  “Pence betrayed Trump. Marc Short is a 
Koch Network dog. Meadows is a fool and a coward. Cheney 
and Kinzinger are useful idiots for Nancy Pelosi and the woke Left.”

Pompeo's PAC Spends $2.2 Million As He Lays the 
Foundation for a Campaign to Become the Biggest 
Frog in the Pond

Tucker Carlson Sez:  “The Canadian trucker convoy is the 
single most successful human rights protest in a generation.”

Warm Scuzzies #1,132
Briarcliffe Fire Company

Fido Friday is Dog the Bounty Hunter's
favorite day of the week.

Some people are just born to be assholes.
Take NeoNazi insurrectionist Robert Keith Packer, 
for instance.

In the Manhattan courtroom of Judge Jed S. Rakoff on Thursday, 
Sarah Palin and her bombastic red handbag bombed.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #962
Craig Shubert

Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #961
Ron Watkins

Confidence Man:  a man who cheats or tricks someone 
by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe 
something that is not true.

 Arizona Republican Jim Lamon Posts Campaign 
Ad Showing Him Shooting a Gun at President Joe 
Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Steve Bannon Says Trump Will Go Down in History with Millard
 Fillmore and James Buchanan as One of the Three Worst Presidents

Gestapo Discussing Gazpacho

White House Toilets Clogged with Trump Papers?
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Clog Busters!

'Neanderthal Replacement Theory' Even Scarier
Than 'White Replacement Theory'

Unlike Pinocchio, when Marco Rubio lies,
his ears grow.

Chefs in the District of Columbia were relieved to learn
today there are no 'Gazpacho Police' rounding them
up.  What Marjorie Taylor Greene meant to say
was that Nancy Pelosi had sent 'Gestapo Police' to
spy on members of Congress.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

World's Worst Yoobs #227
Christina Pushaw

Ronny Jackson has fallen off the wagon again.

Anonymous Demonstrator Shows Solidarity with
Canadian Truckers

Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron Wheedling 
at the Olympic-Size Conference Table

Storming the Bastille, 1789

Edvard Munch's Otter

Joe Rogan Suffers Self-Inflicted 
Political Hit Job

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Trump Eating Sensitive Document After Cohen Meeting

Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing 
over and over and expecting a different result.

Nikki Haley Sez:  “Mike Pence is a good man. He’s an 
honest man. I think he did what he thought was right on
 that day. But I will always say, I’m not a fan of Republicans 
going against Republicans.”

Hakeem Jeffries Sez:  “The ‘C’ in RNC doesn’t 
stand for committee, it stands for cult.”

When he was asked by a female colleague in the
House of Representatives to wear a mask, Hal Rogers,
an octogenarian Kentuckian who has been in Congress
for 44 years,  poked her back and said, "Kiss my ass!"

Omarosa Claims Trump Ate Ripped Up Documents

Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #960
Troy Nehls

Justice Kavanaugh's Favorite Brewski

Warm Scuzzies #1,131
Daniel Ek

Was J. D. Vance deliberately mystifying Marjorie
Taylor Greene, or was he a victim of an
ordinary, everyday slip of the tongue?

One could argue that if Monica Lewinsky had never given
Bill Clinton a blowjob, Jonah Goldberg would not have 
been hired as a contributor by CNN.

Existentialist Fish Jean-Paul Carp Sez;  "Hell is Otter people."

"And stiller than ever on orchard boughs they keep Tryst with the moon."