Saturday, February 24, 2007

Monday evening, February 12, Fearguth became very ill.
A battery of medical tests has produced a diagnosis of
acute pancreatitis. The prognosis is good, and he hopes
to return to a regular blogging schedule very soon.


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Dear Fearguth, I was going to send you a note saying that if you were dead, get up, if you are sick get well--if you are on vacation, who do you think you are? However, now that would be rather rude I guess. Everybody out here loves you and what you do--come back soon and get well right NOW! (Don't feel pressured now!)
    Betsy in Denton

  2. Here's my sincere get well with for you. I been messing around elsewhere or I would have checked in sooner.

    Be proactive when it comes to ills and misfortune. Be meaner than anything that can kill ya! -- Some old Texan

  3. Sorry to hear you've been ill. Pancreatitis is NOT fun. Glad to see you're recovering and will be back blogging soon.

  4. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Please recover soon!

  5. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Welcome back, good sir. Take your time, and good luck.

  6. After reading such kind words, I'm feeling much better already.

  7. Anonymous2:07 AM

    I'd thought you mentioned a camping trip, but the long absence got me worried.

    Heal, my friend. I know just how bad that rotten disease can be.

    I'll even consider my forbidden moonlight nekkid rain dance to speed your healing, despite the 38 degree temps right now. I'm not sure how the spirit force works on your illness but I suspect it has something to do with transferred shrinkage.

    Get well soon.

  8. Hey! Feel better. You must be on the mend - I was laughing at your post at the AmSt a few minutes ago. (I don't think we could get the beer, by the way.)

    When my mom had pancreatitis, they prescribed special digestive enzymes and she's been fine ever since. If you want more info, please let me know.

  9. eRobin,

    The first week was pretty rough, but my digestive system seems to be working OK now. The doctor says diet is the key, and I will be watching it closely for sure.

  10. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I'm six months out from my acute attack. The recovery curve is a real bitch.
