Friday, February 09, 2007

"The Office of Special Plans," says Doug Feith, "has been smeared
for years by allegations that its pre-Iraq-war work was somehow
'unlawful' or 'unauthorized' and that some information it gave
to congressional committees was deceptive or misleading. WMDs
were in Iraq and they still are; you just can't see them. And when
Saddam Hussein married Osama bin Laden, he gave his bride
the destruction of the World Trade Center as a wedding present."


  1. You don't know me, but I love you.

    Your Doug Feith tribute came to me on Google Alerts, which has been packed with the details of the latest white wash. So the humor is definitely appreciated.

    Cheers. Here's Search Art from Scroogle for your trouble.

  2. Thanks for the kind words!
