Monday, February 18, 2008

Bildungblog was born two years ago today. As you can see,
he's getting too big for his britches.


  1. Well, happy burp!day to you too, B! Maru's celebrating her sixth by happy coincidence. So many great blogs, so little time!

  2. Thanks, PC! My first blog, created in April 2001 (before I retired in 2003), was part of my library's website and was purely informational.

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Congratulations, sir. I should say the third year of a blog is the hardest, and to pace yourself. But that doesn't seem to be much of a problem.

    Keep having fun, take time off when you need it, and we're just happy to be along for the ride.

  4. Thanks so much, SP! Your continued interest and support is very much appreciated.

  5. HA!
    Happy Birthday!

    I love yer snark man.

  6. BN, it's guys like you who inspire me! Many thanks!
