Monday, November 24, 2008

Look into the face of U. S. Attorney Mary Beth
Buchanan and you may be reminded of a line
from Camus: "There are crimes of passion and
crimes of logic."


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I wonder what MBB is going to do with her spare time now that the republican witch hunt service sector has lost its footing. And with the melting economy, there just isn't going to be nearly as much money available to burn people alive at the stake. Maybe Mary Beth can move to Alaska and hang out with her doppelganger and kindred spirit, Sarah Palin, and shoot polar bears for shits and giggles and eat the live, beating hearts out of engangered little birds...

  2. I watched aka Tommy Chong last night. I had first heard of MBB in connection with the US attorneys purge. Her ass may yet get caught in that crack. Here's hoping!
