Friday, February 06, 2009

Warning signs like this one are identical to those
which were ignored, unfortunately, as the work of
harmless hackers and merry pranksters in 2000
and 2004. As we look down the Road to the White
House 2012, we should remember the worldly-wise
words of Patti Page, way back in the 1940s:
"Detour, there's a muddy road ahead, detour
Paid no mind to what it said
Detour, oh these bitter things I find,
Should have read
That detour sign."


  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Spade Cooley had the #2 record of 1946 with Detour. Patti Page's record was a cover.

    Warning: Raptors Ahead.

  2. Thanks, Clark! The Cooley original was the one I remember as a child growing up in south Texas.

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Geez, wasn't "Detour" one of those songs on "Your Hit Parade"? I can STILL remember most of the lyrics on those damn songs! Remember "Shrimp Boats is aComin"? Worse than American Idol for musical pap.

  4. And let us not forget Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts.
