Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #21
Michele Bachmann


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    At this moment, my vote is that she takes the cupcake! What does this say about the people who elect her? As a Southerner I always thought that the Yankees were the sensible ones---I am learning differently in my old age.

    PS in Texas news, my 60 roses are starting to bloom!

  2. In our family, my wife is the gardener, a certified Master Gardener in fact. She also does volunteer work for the Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park.

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Oh, tell her I am IMPRESSED! I really admire the Master Gardeners!
    What types of things does she grow?
    Fearguth, she can answer this if she wants... I have roses for spring and most of summer, and althea and cannas and morning glory vines for summer flowers, and my "hobby" is agaves in pots. My husband says that if I bring in 50 potted agaves next winter he will go live in the garden shed. I told him that was a good reason to build me a greenhouse....heh-heh.

  4. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Hi, Betsy. John asked me to respond to your comment. I guess you could describe me as a plant dabbler, although my passion is butterfly gardening. Until I retired, I had no time for gardening. I, too, have several succulents and cacti in containers. I recently attended a workshop at the Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute in Ft Davis where I bought lots of new plants. Of course volunteering at the Discovery Gardens also gives me access to lots of plants. Unfortunately our property is rather small, and there's not nearly enough room for everything that I want. The DG is my vicarious garden. It's all great fun!
