Monday, April 20, 2009

And then the day came when evolution
began to reverse itself.


  1. So you reckon its straight back to aquatic life forms, but my guess is that on the way there we'll first morph back into monkeys - will send a photo of my neighbor to back up this observation.

  2. Do NOT insult monkeys! (or asses for that matter!)

  3. Betsy, no insult intented. As a matter of fact, when walking though the zoo and watching the monkeys in their enclosure, eating food that is brought to them, lazing around or picking each other nits, not paying taxes, I wonder if it is really humans who evolved from monkeys or not, as I suspect, the other way round.

  4. I know what you mean. When we had our donkeys I stacked hay, hauled feed sacks, mowed pastures, cleaned tack and all they did was watch me and bray for food and give us a ride occasionally--how who was the ass. I often, OFTEN pondered that question.
