Friday, April 17, 2009

Even donkeys don't get along in Afghanistan.


  1. You see how he's going for the throat. Sometimes a small jack can kill an aggressive horse, even (usually) a stallion by grabbing the throat and holding on though everything until the enemy smothers. Interesting. I founded and ran the American Donkey and Mule Society for 27 years and know all kinds of stuff like that.

  2. Amazing! Even more amazing, my wife knew that donkeys are sometimes used as guard dogs to protect herds. Her father was a life-long horseman.

  3. Now I know one of the reasons why you are so good at spotting jackasses!

  4. There was a book written by a judge that we used to sell in our Hee Haw Book Service, called Asses Vs Jackasses. The judge wrote a good book on why asses were innocent useful creatures, and by example showed why it was unfair to compare them to the jackasses of the world. Nobody knows who those are better than you Fearguth! So your wife gardens and knows about horses and donkeys, what did you do to deserve such a glorious creature anyway?

  5. Deserving had nothing to do with it, believe me.
