Friday, April 10, 2009

"Representative Bachus claims there are only 17
Socialists in the House. What a namby-pamby
fellow traveler he is! There are 235 Communists
in the House, and I have the list here to prove it!"


  1. Fearguth, this puzzles me and Rachel Maddow didn't explain it. What exactly does he MEAN by socialist. Do these people have an actual definition or is this a code word for communist--or is it just a plain fear tactic and they actually don't have a real definition for the word when they use it?

  2. In the late 50s-early 60s, the rightist equation was: Democrat=Liberal=Socialist=Communist. That's the way these terms are being used today. It's a fear tactic, but the only semantic content of all these terms in the mind of a rightist is 'bad' or 'evil'.

  3. Betsy4:40 PM

    Thanks--Ithought so, but wasn't sure!
