Friday, May 29, 2009

There are Nazis, and then there are
ugly Nazis, like G. Gordon Liddy.


  1. Betsy3:28 PM

    Fearguth, I need to share this to get it off my chest. My brother in law moved in with us unasked. He has now stayed for two years. We are both Obama voters, my hubby a centrist and me a flaming liberal. A HIGH POINT of this goofus' life was going on a cruise where Liddy was the host! He STILL mentions this wonderful experience. So now you know why I NEED Bildungblog every day to stay sane. (and no we can't kick him out because he has liver disease and is probably dying of it so we are stuck with nursing him). I have kept telling myself that since I am a sincere liberal this is something I need to do--but I don't have to like it) G GORDON LIDDY for FSM's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I know it will set you and your husband back a few thousand dollars, but have you considered buying your brother-in-law a one-way ticket on the upcoming cruise in the Mediterranean and Adriatic? On board will be Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Kate O'Beirne, Michael Novak, Tony Blankley, Cal Thomas, George Gilder, John Bolton, and Karl Rove. Talk about dying and going to heaven!

  3. Betsy6:16 PM

    OMG, maybe he would overdose!!!!!!!!!! What bliss!!!!

  4. This conversation convinces me of what I have long suspected: Fearguth's pen is held in the right hand of God.
