Thursday, July 09, 2009

“I put democracy far down the line," Pat Buchanan said.
"I think a devoutly Christian, conservative, traditionalist
country—even if it’s a monarchy—is fine with me.” Even
if the monarch were Barack Obama? he was asked. "I
meant to say 'white monarchy'," he replied.


  1. Come on, Fearguth: I don't believe Buchanan actually said "white monarchy". What's your source?

  2. If you know Pat the way I know Pat, that's what he would say if asked about the possibility of a King Barack.

  3. I gotcha! Oh you are so busted, Fearguth!

    Yeah! You don't know Pat Buchanan like I know Pat Buchanan. The point is he is Old-School Consersvative as opposed to new school (which is to say un-schooled). His brains may be damaged, but they're still attached to his lips & tongue by thin wire.

    One point for me.
