Friday, November 20, 2009

If you haven't seen the new Maxwell House
Flavor Lock Lid, now you have.


  1. Betsy1:58 PM

    If this asinine point is all you have to advertise on your coffee must be MUCK!

    Dumbest commercial this year. (there are so many)

  2. Back in my coffee-drinking days, I would buy the cheapest Joe on the shelf, which, as often as not, was 'Good to the Last Drop' Maxwell House. Those were also my cigarette-smoking days, so I couldn't really taste the coffee, so I couldn't tell the difference between coffee and muck.

  3. Betsy4:25 PM

    Well anyway the muck is fresh now--probably NATURAL!!!!!!!!!!! too LOL

    Every time I see something advertised as "Natural", I want to tell people to go chew peach pits, they are natural too aren't they?

  4. If you've ever read/seen George Carlin's takedown of 'pure','natural' and 'organic' cant in Madison Avenue-style advertising, you have been permanently immunized.
