Sunday, April 11, 2010

"'Keep Wildlife Wild' is a slogan that may make
sense to humans, but 'Keep Wildlife Dead'
makes much more sense to me."


  1. You're back. Is there a story??

  2. Not quite back. Still 500 miles from home. Should be back to full strength tomorrow.

  3. Back home now, One Fly. Had a great time in Canyonlands and Grand Canyon. Hiked a little less than 40 miles, all quite scenic.

  4. I wished I could have stayed as long as you did to carry on that same wish to be there now. I froze my ass off today. I bet you had a blast.

    If you haven't seen this Fearguth it's something we did on our little trip. Then there's another one that's on cooking.

    Maybe sometime in the future we can meet up somewhere in that area and bullshit.

    We actually going back to that ruin and approach it from the back side as on Google earth it looks like it could be interesting to say the least. I'm ready now. Glad you had a safe trip.

  5. Wow! I fear I stick to trails on the map.
