Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Sure, I pray all the time, especially when I'm hungry.
But, quite frankly, prayer doesn't help me satisfy my
hunger nearly as much as my two raptorial forelegs."


  1. Now that's an interesting picture. It means a lot to me Fearguth that you appreciate some of these pictures-really!

  2. I have a cache of over 1,000 pictures which I regularly add to. When I came across the mantis pic, I had an idea of how to use it, but I had forgotten you were the photographer. It's a great pic of a very curious critter.

  3. I certainly enjoy your art and perception, Fearguth. Used an item today!

  4. He was under my car and I had never seen one even close to that size. I'm told it's not unusual to see them twice the size on the east coast.

  5. Thanks, V!

    The only mantis I've seen that was bigger was The Deadly Mantis I saw in a theater in 1957.
