Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Fearguth wouldn't walk a mile for a Camel,
but he would drive over 3,000 miles for the
near Masontown, West Virginia,

and Camp Bisco (July 15-17) near Mariaville,
New York. So, between July 6 and July 21,
posting on this blog will be spotty or
altogether absent, depending on
where he is along the journey.


  1. There ya go again-I envy you my friend. Have a safe and extremely excellent good time!

  2. Many thanks, One Fly! I made it to Jackson, TN, today--about 540 miles from home.

  3. Betsy9:18 PM

    We will miss you. Remember though you have left Texas you are still in Republican country (tell me you can't hear banjos...)

  4. Betsy,

    I made it all the way through Kentucky without becoming a Paultard! I'm in Morgantown, WV, this evening.
