Monday, October 04, 2010

Jim DeMint's Belfry


  1. Betsy4:14 PM

    I absolutely LOVE this. Keep the belfry picture--it could be SO useful!

    Loved Vacation, saw Shetland Ponies close up on Shetland, also saw Danish horses on Faroe Islands, and Close up with Icelandic horses in Iceland.
    Other things of course---all great and mostly good weather!!!!!!!

  2. The next thing I'll hear, Betsy, is that you've become a Franciscan Poor Clare Nun and are the Mother Superior over the Monastery Miniature Horse Farm near Brenham!

  3. Betsy8:37 PM

    Do they NEED a Mother Superior???
    Can one apply??
    Actually, I WAS the Mother Superior of donkeys and mules for 35 years and that was enough thank you. Superioring is hard work!

  4. Actually, according to my wife, they're looking for someone to take over the operation.
