Thursday, December 09, 2010

Sarah Palin Says Julian Assange Is 'Un-American';
"At Least She Didn't Say I'm Un-Australian,"
Assange Retorted Slyly 


  1. Harkens back to Robert Welch of the John Birch Society telling his followers that he was going to learn Russian so he could read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto in the original...

  2. I'm a proud owner of what was called, back in the 1960s, 'The Black Book of the John Birch Society'. The actual title is 'The Politician', wherein Welch claims that President Eisenhower was a 'conscious, articulate agent of the Communist Conspiracy'.

  3. And that book, like the Mona Lisa, the Pacific Ocean, and the Los Angeles Dodgers, is not for sale?
