Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Yes, I'm a lowly Tardigrade.  But I can survive temperatures
ranging from -451 Degrees to 304 Degrees Fahrenheit, can
absorb 1,000 times more radiation than other animals, and
 can go for ten years without a drink of water.  One thing
I won't be able to survive, however, is the run-up to the
2012 presidential election.  Only humans are low enough
to survive that."


  1. Betsy7:50 PM

    Frankly I don't know how any of us who own a tv or computer will make it with any sanity left.

  2. Maybe it's a Vast Rightwing Conspiracy to drive us all insane.

  3. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Well, they've gotten there already so they just want company.

  4. Betsy1:16 PM

    oops, sorry, it was me on the last one.

  5. And it was such a short drive for them, wasn't it?
