Monday, January 17, 2011

Holocaust?  What Holocaust?  It was just 6 million
'isolated incidents' perpetrated by 'lone, crazed Nazis'.


  1. History is so easy when you are encouraged to look the other way on da bad history ya see there.

  2. The key is to see the truth while bad history is in the making. Don't you agree, One Fly?

  3. But, it seems that there are always many who see it--they don't ever seem to be able to stop it. Humans are really just jumped up monkeys after all--we have made it part of the way but not all...we will never know will we guys--but I'm not betting on us making it...

  4. The last example of that was the war for lies in Irak. Screamed for so long and it was all there if you took a second to think on your own and look elsewhere. Look what we got and what we're getting now..

    I like that "jumped up monkey's".

  5. Every time there's a massacre, like the one in Tucson, it's comforting to believe that it was just an 'isolated incident'. And since the shooters are always 'nutjobs', it's easy to believe that nothing could have been done to prevent it. Each one is as unpredictable and unpreventable as an earthquake.

  6. You mean to say that we should learn to accept 2nd Amendment Remedies to be acts of God?

  7. Yep, just as mysterious and ineluctable as Acts of God.
