Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rick Santorum is threatening to run for the
Republican nomination for President.  Can
you imagine a bigger waste of money and
our nation's shrinking attention span?


  1. You know when I think about it, I'm thinking I am in favor of just about any Republican who has crawled out from under his/her own rock so far (to date) to receive the GOP nomination. So far, each one will do just fine, as a candidate!

  2. Betsy9:59 PM

    As a Texan I'm banking on Rick Perry--he has the hair! (as long as they don't find out the cost of his hair cuts of course)

  3. "Rick Rack", it is a crooked decoration you sew onto clothes as an unneeded, tacky decoration.

  4. 'Rick Rack for the Riff Raff.' My wife says Rick Rack was hard to devilishly hard to iron.
