Monday, January 24, 2011

"Texas, Our Texas, all hail the mighty State."
(Texas Public Schools' Budgets Cut by $5 Billion)
"Texas, Our Texas, so wonderful, so great."
(Texas Colleges and Universities Cut by $771.6 Million)
"Boldest and grandest, withstanding ev'ry test."
(Four Texas Two-Year Colleges to Be Closed)
"O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest."
($2.3 Billion Cut from Medicaid, the Children's Health
 Insurance Program and Other Health and Human Services)


  1. I both hate and fear these bastards. My extremely sick daughter is on Medicare and Medicade and they are keeping her alive and functioning.

  2. They want it all every last dime and life they can squeeze from us so they can be enriched even more.

    Now they will become even more stupid than what has been the norm.

  3. These cuts would have started a year ago, had not Texas received $6.4 billion in stimulus funds, which Governor Perry railed against on the very day he accepted the money.

  4. Our governor (KS) has started the same song and dance. He chose to start with the arts - wants to stop ALL funding for them.

    Next will come education, mental health and health services.

  5. From Texas north all the way to the Canadian border, it's unrelieved Repubican craziness and cynicism.
