Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Hosni Mubarak abandons ship, abdicates, bows out, hangs
it up, leaves, quits, resigns, retires, signs off, stands down,
steps down, and throws in the towel.


  1. The USA and the World needs so badly to get some good news, to get lucky, as it were. When I think of Mubarek's offer to 'share power', I think of Robert Magabe's similar offer and what it has led to. These are two men who have octogenarian foreheads calling out for a bullet between the eyes. Think how many lives those two bullets would save. An Egyptian military officer should stand up and perform his patriotic duty. A religious man by nature, I pray that he will. Sooner rather than later. Mubarek said he wanted to die on Egyptian soil; he should be obliged.

  2. But Hosni's been our ally for 29 years. How does it happen that the U. S. regularly allies itself with despots and dictators?

  3. But who said love for dictators should be unconditional love?

  4. When the renewal of the $2 billion in U. S. aid to Egypt came up last year, SecDef Gates said, "No conditions!"
