Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #299
Bruce Casswell


  1. Betsy1:37 PM

    The level of heartless cruelty in the republican party right now leaves me breathless.....

  2. If you were a foster-parent, can you imagine having to explain to your foster-child why she or he could only wear second-hand clothes?

  3. It's greed, Betsy. What the "GOP" stands for.

  4. Greedy Old Party: yes, indeedy!

  5. Betsy8:06 PM

    Gone old party would be preferable.

    I remember having to tell my four kids that they couldn't buy the expensive jeans and things that the "sosh" kids wore, they'd have to be goat ropers and wear Wranglers. They didn't mind that--but what if they had. I found that hard enough--but the thought of telling my foster kids that the whole world thought that they were second or third class people. I have often wondered how black parents made it---now I wonder how foster parents would have....
