Monday, April 04, 2011

Steven L. Newman, CEO of Transocean, learned the hard way
what happens when the oil rig your company owns explodes,
kills 11 men, and creates the worst oil spill in history.  That's
right:  you get a $200,000 salary increase.


  1. Betsy6:20 PM

    I would like to comment on this but my brain exploded so I can't. However so did Rachel Maddow's so I don't feel too alone.

  2. My brain exploded long ago, but I've discovered that's not necessarily a disadvantage in today's world.

  3. I was going to say something witty but the word verification was FLOOTER and my exploded brain couldn't do any work of any kind after that.

  4. From his looks, I would say he would probably enjoy waterboarding people.
