Saturday, April 02, 2011

Why are we fighting a war in a land where innocent people
are beheaded because some fool in the United States
burned a copy of the Koran?


  1. sounds again like you don't love amerika and the freedoms we have here that they are jealous of or something along those lines ya see

  2. Yessir, something along those lines!

  3. I can't answer this question, as asked. So, I decided to link it.

  4. Because its up to us American to carry the White Christian capitalistic man's burden dude.

    Have to have a reason to justify cutting heating oil assistance to poor people while leaving the Defense Department alone.

    Because the Islamic boogieman which lives under all Americans beds ready to impose Sharia law on your daughters can be defeated in Afghanistan or in simpler terms like Bush said if we fight them over there we won't have to fight them here.

    How about this one, when you have a huge majority of unaffected Americans who don't give a shit the war is just some boring, low-rated reality show allowing the military/industrial complex and corrupt politicians to have all sort of fun blowing stupid heathens up with the latest in cool weapons and bombs.

    And lastly because Jesus said so.

  5. Welcome, Beach Bum! Your points are well-made and well-taken.

  6. How about, stupid violent people could learn something from our military? I'm half serious.

  7. Especially if these stupid, violent people were learning from America's 'Kill Team'.

  8. I do think the threats posed by AQ are real. But what's been made clear is that a 10 year military presence on the ground hasn't made things all that much better. The actual threat from AQ is used as a hammer to consistently shape our view of the military and the "rightness" of how we are doing things. It just can't go on this way.

  9. Only 10 years? Maybe Afghanistan will turn out to be the world's second "hundred years' war."
