Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Will politicians ever learn that the cover-up
is worse than the crime?  John Edwards
certainly didn't.


  1. He screwed us so bad I never want to see him around ever again.

  2. I used to think that it was strange that they didn't catch on, but now I understand that they never learn...just keep messing up on and on, it goes with the job maybe?

  3. Like John Ensign, Edwards obviously thought he could get away with it. You obviously don't have to be all that smart to be a lawyer.

  4. Yeah, my dear permanently deluded husband keeps saying about so many of these people "But He/She is a Lawyer....but, but, but...." I keep saying that the ability to learn what they put in front of you neither makes you educated, nor makes you a decent human being.The poor man is a retired college professor and still thinks that education is the whole key...

  5. The many years I spent in colleges and universities, as both a student and as a teacher, taught me that schooling, while important, isn't all that's required to produce an educated, decent human being.

  6. Damn straight Fearguth and I have to add that the same goes for the "believers" who perpetrate the fallacy that they are a better human beings because they believe in an invisible finger snapper in the sky who never existed.

  7. Aggressive religiosity is often a substitute favored by those who are neither decent nor educated.
