Saturday, July 23, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik wants to thank Michelle
Malkin for blaming his terrorist attack in
Norway on Muslims and not on right-wing
Christian fundamentalists.


  1. Let's be fair to Michelle Malkin every Right Wing Blog has blamed Muslims or/ noted that the American Leftists are overjoyed it's a blonde Norwegian.

  2. Not just right-wing blogs: how about the New York Times? See

  3. The man is obviously Muslim. Malkin suffers from America's other deficit, critical thinking. I love your place. My sign in word is "lobsta" and I'm from Kentucky.

  4. I understand, Cletis, that it's so hot in Kentucky right now birds are bursting into flames and are being collected in KFC buckets with 11 herbs & spices. Also, it's so hot squirrels are wearing oven mitts to handle their nuts.

    BTW, I borrowed these jokes. Glad to have you aboard!
