Monday, July 11, 2011

John Cochrane, a finance professor at
the University of Chicago, would like to
thank Congressman Paul Ryan for picking
up the tab for a $350 bottle of wine they
shared at Bistro Bis on Capitol Hill
last Wednesday night.  He would also
like to thank Clifford Asness, a hedge
fund manager and the endower of
his professorial chair, for picking
up the tab on a second $350 bottle.
Talking about monetary policy
makes him really thirsty.


  1. As these are the same guys who are destroying public water rights south of the border (and trying to sell them to private interests stateside too), I'm thinking we'll all need a decent drink very soon.

    Thanks for the coverage of slugs!


  2. Slugs don't get nearly the coverage they deserve.

  3. This twerp needs a good slug; right upside his kisser.

  4. Now that you mention it, the professor does bear a strong resemblance to Icky Twerp.
