Friday, July 22, 2011

A recently-released survey finds that only 52%
 of American voters approve of God's job
performance.  A debate is now raging as
to whether He should be primaried in 2012.


  1. It's worth keeping in mind the diety's getting sent off in all directions every which way 24/7. People all over the planet fighting over ownership and giving marching orders for brand new pickup trucks, lottery jackpots, Aunt Tillie having her brain tumor cleared up, the Yankees winning the next football game and daughter-Jamie winning the beauty contest.

    President of the US would be a vacation.

    Thanks for the smile.

  2. You're more than welcome, Old Jules! I think you've explained the origin of monotheism: there was only one god dumb enough to take the job!

  3. I thought Michelle Bachmann & Rick Perry were already in that primary.

  4. Old Jules, you forgot that the poor deity has to preside over every single high school football game in the nation!

  5. And how does God decide who wins, since Christians are praying for both teams?
