Saturday, August 06, 2011

According to a British researcher, monkeys have created their
own language signs. This Mandrill, for instance, is using the
sign that means "Say 'Blame Game' one more time and
I'll crush your nuts!"


  1. I've seen that sign done by a certain woman. I always wondered what it meant.

  2. But did she have as much makeup on as this Mandrill does?

  3. Naw I'm not really into makeup but after 27 years she hasn't made good on the hand sign threat. I think to be on the safe side I'll be a little more polite.

    I love your finds and captions. There aren't any I've seen so far that I couldn't make a smart ass wise crack about but I found at a early age it's not good to piss off a librarian. They can be dangerous.

  4. Speaking of smart-ass wise-cracks, why must you always drag sex into the discussion? As far as the unwisdom of pissing off a librarian is concerned, you must be referring to Conan the Librarian.

  5. Well sex is the first and foremost important thing on the agenda (notice I did not say "mind" as I want to include congress) of every living thing on earth even more than greed.

    You know her? I always thought Conan would be wide, dressed in a black skirt, black combat boots, black rimmed glasses and be carrying a flyswatter. I never saw her but when in the stacks I kept my eyes open.

  6. Actually, Conan the Librarian exists only in UHF, the underpraised Weird Al Yankovich movie from 1989.

    I agree with you about sex. It's even more of a hoax than global warming. I first discovered this hoax while searching for the pictures in Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis back in the day. Sad to say, I found no pictures.

  7. I haven't read the book. I waiting for the movie.

  8. I've just learned there is a female counterpart to Conan. Her name is CoNanny and she dresses just as you described.
