Saturday, August 06, 2011

Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America,
reportedly has a whole closet full of BOA
Red Ink neckties.


  1. Moynihan is living proof that getting to the top of the corporate ladder has nothing to do with business skills.

  2. My checking account, through a long chain of metamorphoses over the years, is now with BOA. Is the FDIC still around?

  3. Looking at Moynihan's face, you don't even have to be handsome anymore to rise to the top.

  4. I worked for BoA and can tell you he speaks as ugly as he looks. You would think someone that high up would have somebody scripting for him, at least on the broadcast phone calls.

    The FDIC is still there unless this is another promise Eric Cantor plans to break. It goes up to $250,000. I hope that is enough for you.

  5. Here is the succession of owners of my checking account: First National Bank in Garland, Republic National Bank, First RepublicBank Corporation, NCNB, NationsBank,
    Bank of America.

    By the way, I once worked for the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas.
