Monday, August 01, 2011

Congresscritters Finally Find Common Ground


  1. Now that's good.
    Pretty well sums it up.

  2. Did you notice how 'Centrist' they are?

  3. We should dump the stupid humans and elect more dung beetles to congress. They are earnest and hard working creatures and do a lot more good in this world than all the politicos put together.

  4. Reminds me of one of my favorite Monty Python sketches ---

    Man: Dung, sir.
    Host: What?
    Man: We've got your dung.
    Host: What dung?
    Man: Your dung. Three hundredweight of heavy droppings. Where do you want it?
    Host: I didn't order any dung.
    Man: Yes you did, sir. You ordered it through the Book of the Month Club.
    Host: Book of the Month Club?
    Man: That's right, sir. You get 'Gone with the Wind', 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo, 'The French Lieutenant's Woman' and with every third book you get dung.
