Sunday, August 14, 2011

One thing we know for sure about Rick Perry is that
 he's not a tither. If he were and had he donated 10%
 of his income over the past ten years ($2.68 million),
you would expect him to have dropped $268,000
 into his church's collection plate. But, alas, your
expectation would have been disappointed, for
Governor Perry--he of the Big Hair and the Big
Prayer--donated only $14,243, i. e., about half
a percent of his income.


  1. Perhaps God told him to spend the money for him. I have not heard yet if he hears from God.
    I do not fear him. I fear the voters that voted for him and G W. They burn people like me at the stake.

  2. As a native Texan and a Perry watcher from way back, I can tell you, Oldfool, that Dubya is a bleeding-heart liberal, compared to Rick Perry. Perryites wouldn't burn you at the stake; that would be too merciful. They would incinerate you one ounce at a time, once a day, and offer the smoke as a sweet-smelling savor unto Jehovah.

  3. I have lived in Texas twice in my life. All my close family has left there so I have no reason to ever go back and I am thankful for that. My bride cannot say Texan without putting tightass in front of it. With her mouth we wouldn't last long.
    It amazes me that they have not burned Austin to the ground and salted the earth to get rid of the sodomites. Maybe it is just a matter of time.
    I'm not scared of much but that place scares me.

  4. Oh come on Oldfool, you COULD live in South Carolina or Georgia you know........

  5. You left out Alabama, Betsy. And, even though Oldfool may not know it, once you've lived in Texas, it's like herpes: it stays with you for the rest of your life. ;>
