Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rightbloggers and Other
Internet Biohazards #106
The Other McCain


  1. I am probably in better shape than John McCain and a few years younger but I know how I feel and think and I wouldn't vote for me. John needs to retire while he is still drawing breath but he has been nursing at the government teat so long he probably can't. Besides how would he support his 13 houses.
    As a bonified geezer I find him embarrassing. He gives us old people a bad name.

  2. Robert Stacy McCain, 52, gives the middle-aged a bad name, too. The two McCains deserve each other.

  3. I must have had my head up my ass,a not uncommon condition, because I didn't even know about this guy. I wish I still didn't.

  4. It's like Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the garden, isn't it?
