Monday, August 15, 2011

Who knew that Michele and

Marcus were such Full-Swap Swingers?


  1. It's fair to say that there's a good possibility when you are as mind screwed as these two there is the very distinct possibility of some bizarre bad shit going on behind the scenes.

    Seriously I wonder how many drugs this woman is taking.

  2. Notice how Michele's back is arched (full pelvic thrust position), the look on her face, and her arm around Travis's neck. Notice how Travis is holding his guitar and the look on HIS face.
    And then there's Marcus and his random mate, in full smashmouth mode. Why, it's almost pornographic!

  3. Aw, Travis is just asking her to fix him up with Marcus and Marcus is trying too hard to prove he likes women.

    This is probably a better picture of Marcus. From a comment on Balloon Juice.

  4. I captured that shot earlier today, Montag. It's waiting in line for just the right caption.
