Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"My name is Ross Perot, the 99th richest man in
America.  Look upon my funky face, ye peons,
and despair!"


  1. "You'll be able to hear the jobs being sucked out of this country" or something to that effect. Was that the start of the decline we're in?

    Where does it say you gotta be a Texan to be prez.

  2. Perot said jobs leaving the U. S. and going to Mexico would create a 'giant sucking sound going south." That was 1992, when there were TWO Texans running for President.

  3. "I'm all ears." was a great line.

  4. I agree, but "I'm all ears" is not to be taken literally. Other parts of Ross Perot's body are even funnier.
