Sunday, September 04, 2011

Obama Presses Congress to End 'Political Posturing';
 Joshua Says, "Sun, Stand Thou Still!"


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Wouldn't it be nice if Obama had a political posture?

  2. He would need a spine for that.

  3. Look at all those thinkers dress alike except for the female and I'm surprised she is not. Not a thought above the level of a frog in the lot.
    There are no spines in the democratic party and there are no morals or ethics in the republican(unless you count the pit bull kind).
    I've got to give the repugnanticans credit however they are determined to divide and destroy and they are succeeding. The country be damned. I think some of the democrats still care but they haven't got a chance.

  4. Take a look at this, Oldfool.

    It's written by an ex-Republican.
