Friday, October 07, 2011

"Hi, I'm Senator Scott Brown, and I know
when the people of Massachusetts have
to make a choice between my body and
Elizabeth Warren's, they'll thank God I
took my clothes off and she left hers on."


  1. Reminds me of a Lady Boy I once met at the Mustang Ranch back in the old days. He/she wasn't my type either.

  2. I can see the book cover now--- Ladyboys and Girlie Men: What's This World Coming To?

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I'd Vote for her before Lady Boy

  4. What a revolting comment from the pretty boy.

  5. It's always foolish to make predictions, but I foresee the day when Elizabeth Warren will make Scott Brown ashamed to appear in public, whether naked or clothed.

  6. First: He would have to know what shame is.
    Second: Remember that most of the voters think that a stupid man is superior to a smart woman.
    Third: George W was elected (supposedly) twice

  7. Since dominant social norms don't exist anymore, you're right, Oldfool: shame has little or no force these days. And, so, Scott Brown will likely get a pass on this score.
