Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rick Scott Sez: "We don't need any more anthropologists!
We, the vanguard from Planet Nibiru, already know all we
need to know about humans before the full-scale in-
vasion of Earth begins in 2012."


  1. Betsy9:44 AM

    Truly, if this alien should mate with M. Bachmann, their spawn would indeed doom the planet and maybe the solar system!

  2. Would that be Michele or Marcus, Betsy?

  3. Isn't that the Disney animatronic display model?

  4. Betsy1:09 PM

    Montag, I know the animatronics are scary, but they don't purposely make them so bad that small children have to be in counseling for life---do they?

  5. Betsy1:11 PM

    I think Michele Fearguth, Marcus seems just like a fat, jolly gay guy to me. If he hadn't found religion he probably would have been o.k. to be around.

    by the way, word verification said "muopyq" which I think is a direct translation of her debate remarks.

  6. Looks like an animatronic Stan Laurel to me, Montag.

    I tend to agree with you about Marcus, Betsy. There's a big difference between being 'gay' and being 'crazy'.

  7. Betsy4:23 PM

    Oops, about what I said about Disney earlier--I completely forgot about Bambi----my Bad!
