Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #345
Tamara Scott


  1. I'm sure she is loved by many in the cornfield. I swear this country is getting dumber or it may be more accurate to say believers/nutters/wingers are getting even more out of touch.

  2. I met a couple of really nice Iowans last Saturday night at a local show. He, a graduate of UNI, is working on a master's in environmental anthropology at the University of North Texas and is engaged to a graduate of Iowa State. They're now two of my many Facebook friends.

  3. Can we put those two in charge back there.

    I'm really nice too - b b b why is it so few talk to me anymore.

  4. Your erstwhile friends back in Iowa can't speak Coloradoan, like you do.
