Thursday, November 03, 2011

"If I had been the Deity on the point of creating the world,
and had foreseen that Ann Coulter would be in it, I would
have left the world uncreated."


  1. As they say on Fark, I'd hit her like the Fist of an Angry God. In her case with a real fist from a real Angry God

  2. How about a fisting from a really angry god?

  3. Are those feet or cloven hooves? I thought Madonna was a skank.

  4. Nobody exemplifies the concept of 'skank' as well as Ann.

  5. The words to the Fabulous Poodles "Anna Rexia" come to mind when I see this picture:

    My sweet little Anna Rexia
    Skinny Little teenage queen
    won't eat anything put in front of her
    she wants to look like an ad-man's dream
    always going off on her her own
    the little girl's wasted down to skin an' bones
    my sweet little Anna Rexia
    surely gonna waste away

    That little girl's got an easy manner
    Like makin' love to a bag fulla spanners

    every day's she's gettin' thinner and thinner
    won't touch a bite of her dinner
    she used to be my one-and-only
    now's she's even skinnier than a boney maroney
