Thursday, November 03, 2011

If you are a 'person' like General Electric, you made $14.2
billion in profit in 2010 and paid $0 in taxes.  And you would
not be alone, for there were 30 Fortune 500 'persons' who
were profitable and paid $0 in taxes in 2008, 2009, and 2010.


  1. Corporate People good
    Real People baaaad

    Corporate People good
    Real People baaad

  2. Back in the old days when they made things in the US and took care of their employees instead of their executives (pre Neutron Jack Welch), the company was known as Generous & Easy. Greedy & Evil might work better these days.

  3. And to think President Obama is so cozy with Jeffrey Immelt.

  4. Fearguth, you took my comment.
