Saturday, December 17, 2011

For embarrassing Texas and Texans in the
eyes of the world, Governor Perry is getting
 a $92,400-a-year raise.  No wonder two-
thirds of the American people think
politicians, like lobbyists, used car
 salesmen, and telemarketers, have
'low' or 'very low' ethical standards.


  1. Thank you, sister! And then there's Rick Scott.

  2. Didja know that Ricky passed a law saying lesser state employees can't do what he is doing?

  3. Yes, as the Burnt Orange Report has it, "Excuse Me While I Pull This Ladder Up Behind Me…"

  4. I hope the Texas suckers are getting what they want. They are paying dearly for it and it appears to be an inferior product.
    P T Barnum didn't say it but it is still true. There is a sucker born every minute. Make that thousands of suckers.

  5. Rick Perry has sucked harder on the taxpayer-funded teat than any of his predecessors. And he has the nerve to badmouth moochers!

  6. And now he "retires" so he can get his pension AND his salary and perks, you have to admit it, he's good at what he does.

  7. Never misunderestimate an Aggie.
