Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Newt, I bet $10,000 you don't know that camel
wrestling is very popular in Turkey."


  1. Newt and Mitt are you Modern Republicon Party.

    Fat, flabby, racist, never had a real job Washington Insider/influence peddler, who thinks because he says, "Frankly" and "these are facts" he's brilliant and Elitiest Scion of a Family of Wealth and Priviledge, Job Cremator who made his money by dismantling Americna Companies and firing American workers.

  2. When I see Mitt and Newt, I begin to wonder if the Pod People may have actually won in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

  3. I just can't get over the resemblance between Newt and my great, great grandmother. And I never even saw so much as a photo of my great great grandmother! But it's an amazing resemblance! I can tell that much.

  4. She wore flag lapel pins, too, eh? :>

  5. Must be the smile? Or the chin?
