Thursday, March 22, 2012

The only plank in Spencer Bachus' platform was 'I'm Not
Dead Yet', but he still beat Scott Beason, his Tea Party 
opponent in the Alabama Republican primary, by more 
than 30 points. 


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    The only reason he won is that in Alabama you have cross over voting as you do not register your party. Therefore, a lot of Democrats voted in the Republican primary just to keep Senator Beason out of office and to re-elect a do nothing Congressman!!

  2. I'll take your word for it, although it's hard to imagine a Democrat--even in Alabama--voting for either Spencer Bachus or Scott Beason.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    There aren't enough Dems in the 6the district of Alabama to have made a difference in this race. Go look at the voting history of the district. That first anonymous is just an angry Beason supporter who can't admit his candidate was horrible.

  4. I can't speak to his 'horribleness', but Scott Beason was inducted into Fearguth's Hall of Wackos Cf.
