Sunday, June 17, 2012

Magical Depressionism #31
Times were so tough centimillionaires had to
pump their own gas.


  1. StonyPillow7:38 AM

    Timess were so tough even hectomillionaires had to pump their own gas.

    Despite having two kids in college, I'm still a centimillionaire. At least before I pay the monthly bills.

  2. Luckily for Mitt, the price of diesel has dropped, despite Obama's best efforts to keep fuel prices high.

  3. StonyPillow9:03 AM

    Good morning. I'm guessing you need a second cup of coffee, Fearguth. A centimillionaire would be someone who's worth 1/100th of a million dollars, or $10,000. Hectomillionaires would be worth over $100,000,000.

  4. Merriam-Webster disagrees:

    centimillionaire: "one whose wealth is estimated at one hundred million (as of dollars or pounds) or more"

  5. I suppose he could afford to pump gas into a diesel tank.

  6. StonyPillow5:14 AM

    Our mother tongue makes no sense, yet I love her still. 'Tis usage makes the language. I stand corrected, morning coffee in hand, in my inflammable robe and slippers.
