Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Diagram the Following
Sentence Spoken by 
Dana Loesch

"And — and you want to talk about gaffes. 
Here we have 41 straight months of unemployment 
that's been over 8 percent, which was — the stimulus 
was supposed to have fixed. In terms of gaffes, it's 
not good to have the president get up in front of 
people during an election cycle and say, well, if 
you have a small business, you didn't built 
that, or as some have tried to say, oh, 
he took — the Republicans took something 
out of context. He was talking about the Clinton 
tax plan, which really actually in context it's even 
worse, because he really was referring to his own 
plan, and the Clinton tax plan, we could — 
we could get into..."

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