Tuesday, March 05, 2013

"I love to eat, I love to kill, I love to rock, 
and it's all one big spiritual orgy!"


  1. JerryB4:16 PM

    I worry about Teddy. I really do. One day he'll wake up and realize what a national buffoon he's been and blow his brains out with one of his guns. Just sayin.

  2. When he journeyed to the center of his mind, Ted was sucked into a black hole. I still think 'Stranglehold' is a great tune.

  3. Ted Nugent, the Man With Two "Dicks"?

  4. JerryB7:30 PM

    I saw him at the first Texas Jam. Amazing concert. Hotter than hell. 120 degrees on the floor. I think it was '76 or'77. Teddy was the last band on stage so they were the headline act. Rocked the holy fucking shit out of the Cotton Bowl. Did his classic collapse on stage after the blazing 20 minute guitar solo that had our ears bleeding.

    He still sucks shit though.

  5. Although I didn't attend any of those Cotton Bowl extravaganzas, I remember them. My first music festival was the Texas International Pop Festival in August, 1969. I pretty much dropped out of the live music scene from the mid-1970s until 2004, when I jumped back in with both feet.
